Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Today in Salzburg, we did the Sound of Music Tour. We went with Bob's Tours http://www.bobstours.com/main.php It was very fun, they have a small 8 passenger bus so it is more personal and the bus is able to go where the large tour busses cannot.

Here is Paul and I being Liesel and Rolf singing, "I am 16 going on 17"

This is the view of the back of the Von Trapp family house. Several exterior scenes were filmed here. The gazebo was originally here, but all the tourists bothered the town people so they moved it several times until it found its current place.

This is the inside of the church where Maria and Captain Von Trap got married.

We stopped for a little snack break.

Sorry mom, Diet Pepsi sucks, I am a Coke Girl now!

This is the view from the cafe.

Also in the middle of our trip we went on a Luge ride. It was VERY fun.

This is Paul (in the back) and Elizabeth and I (in the front) going up the hill.

Here is a picture of me on the scooter after the ride.

This is a picture of Sandra and I, she was our tour guide!! She rocks!!


bandmom said...

But Mocha, Diet Pepsi is the best!!!

sandra in salzburg said...

Hi Mocha (and Paul and Elizabeth)

Love the photos and report.
I enjoyed your company. It was a privilege to meet such a cool adventurous lady bear.

We'll both keep on rockin'

Lots of love xxx
Sandra your tour guide in Salzburg